Social Sciences | Selby College
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Social Sciences

Welcome to the Social Sciences department

Student Destinations
Previous students have progressed to:

  • Liverpool John Moore's University - Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice
  • University of Leeds - Law
  • University of York - Sociology

Criminology and Law’s Amsterdam Trip
Our Law and Criminology students visited Amsterdam to immerse themselves into a city with a different culture, infrastructure, and legal system.

To support their classroom learning, the students visited Amsterdam in the Netherlands to compare its legal system to the UK’s. They discussed topics such as the criminality of prostitution and cannabis – asking why they are more tolerated crimes, why they are still illegal in the UK and why countries like the Netherlands have legalised them. Through experiencing the city first-hand, the students gained an entirely new perspective and insight into a culturally different society.

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Law students land in London!
In July 2023, our Law students explored the sites of London including a trip to Buckingham Palace. They also looked around the Royal Courts of Justice and Clink Prison Museum and got to watch live cases at the Old Bailey.

Our Criminology and Law students regularly get to visit courts across the country to watch live cases, with the most recent trip being Leeds Crown Court (pictured below).

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London trip