Welcome to the Foundation Learning Department
Our main focus is to provide an introduction to working in a number of different sectors, as well as developing other core skills that prepare the student for employment and building confidence in the workplace.
Our qualifications also contain elements that address the student’s individual needs in literacy and numeracy as well as personal development areas. Some students may have a personalised bespoke programme which may involve studying some vocational studies units as well as, possibly, attending classes in a vocational area of interest (subject to agreement with the course team).
The programmes have no formal entry requirements, but students are expected to attend all lessons, adhere to all college rules and complete all work to the best of their ability. Students are required to play an active role in lessons, and take part in discussions and group work. Students will be given some flexibility in how they choose to present work and being creative is encouraged.
Trips and Visits
As a Foundation Learning student, you will have the opportunity to take part in a number of exciting trips and visits as part of your course.
Our students have enjoyed trips to Bridlington, Flamingo Land, Yorkshire Wildlife Park and more, as well as taking part in a Graffiti and spray paint workshop delivered by Graffiti Stars.