Exams, assessment and qualification achievement.
There has been a clear decision to cancel the Summer exams for GCSEs and A levels and move to a system that focuses on teacher assessment. It will almost certainly take a couple of weeks for the awarding bodies to publish their guidance. Now is the time to look at the work you are doing and have done this year, ensure it is to your highest standards and if there are any areas, that you are concerned you didn’t show your true ability, discuss options with your tutors now.
What I do know is imperative, is that all students and apprentices continue to work hard in their remote lessons and at the work set by staff. Any calculation of grades will have to use a full range of evidence and this will include work completed remotely, and almost certainly work also completed once we return to campus.
We are conscious that A levels and GCSEs are only one of a wide number of exams that students undertake with us, so we are also working with our awarding bodies to understand their revised processes for BTECs and other technical and vocational qualifications at level 3 and below. As yet there is nothing further to update you on, following our decision to postpone the BTEC exams due to take place now, but as and when things are published we will share these with you.
Our HE students will be contacted as we get updates from the Universities and Pearson. It appears that for Hull students there will be the reapplication of the no detriment policy, which we will share with you as soon as we have the details.
We also have a number of Apprentices who are at varying stages of their Apprenticeship journey, we will work with your employers and end point assessment bodies to understand when and if exams can take place.