Writer | Selby College
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Writers produce creative work, including novels, children's books, scripts, poetry and travel and technical writing.

Potential salary


Employment by 2024


Working hours

37 to 39 variable

  • knowledge of English language
  • excellent written communication skills
  • persistence and determination
  • excellent verbal communication skills
  • the ability to use your initiative
  • the ability to come up with new ways of doing things
  • ambition and a desire to succeed
  • knowledge of media production and communication
  • thinking and reasoning skills
  • to be able to carry out basic tasks on a computer or hand-held device

Your day-to-day activities may include:

  • choosing a subject based on personal interest, or at the request of an agent or publisher
  • coming up with ideas, plots or content headings
  • researching information using the internet, libraries, site visits and personal interviews
  • developing your story, article, blog, review or instruction manual
  • submitting your draft to a publisher or editor
  • revising your work after getting feedback
  • uploading your work to websites or social media, or looking for publishing opportunities
  • attending book signings, readings and discussions of your work
  • running writing workshops

You could work in an office.

You could self-publish, in traditional print format, online or through e-books.

You might be able to promote your work by entering literary competitions, become a book critic or teach creative writing in colleges.

You'll find more advice about careers in writing through the National Association of Writers' Groups.

The Poetry Society and Writers & Artists have more details on writing competitions.

Writers & Artists also has industry advice on being a writer and submitting work for publishing or self-publishing. It publishes the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook, which has information on literary agents, publishers, newspapers and magazines.

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