Quarry engineer | Selby College
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Quarry engineer

Quarry engineers explore new sites, oversee extraction operations and manage sites at the end of their commercial life.

Potential salary

£22,000 to £60,000

Employment by 2024


Working hours

40 to 42 a week

  • knowledge of engineering science and technology
  • maths knowledge
  • knowledge of building and construction
  • design skills and knowledge
  • excellent verbal communication skills
  • knowledge of English language
  • thinking and reasoning skills
  • the ability to read English
  • business management skills
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently

Your tasks will usually include:

  • using ground-surveying techniques to check the site’s geology
  • drilling earth and rock samples for lab testing
  • building up computer models of a site and its deposits
  • making recommendations on how to proceed

If mining goes ahead, you’ll be:

  • managing the day-to-day running of operations
  • overseeing technical staff
  • producing progress reports
  • monitoring health and safety
  • drawing up plans to guard against emergencies like a tunnel collapsing or flooding
  • making plans for restoration of the site after quarry workings end

You may need to wear protective clothing.

You could work at a quarry or in an office.

Your working environment may be cramped, dusty, dirty and you may spend nights away from home.

With experience, you could move into related careers like civil, construction and environmental engineering.

You can find out more about working in quarrying from Careers in Quarrying and The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

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