Monday 27 April 2020
Selby College receives generous laptop donation from Drax
Drax Power Station has kindly provided thirty laptops with internet access to Selby College to ensure students can remain connected and continue their studies during the coronavirus pandemic.
Thirty Google Chrome laptops and dongles were delivered to the College by Drax and its partner JD Networks, which will be distributed out to students who are currently remote learning. The dongles also include 30 megabytes of pre-paid data per-month, providing students with free internet access.
The donation is a part of Drax’s initiative to support local communities during the coronavirus outbreak. JD Networks is working with the Power Station to distribute the laptops and dongles to local Schools and Colleges.
“Whether it’s accessing online educational resources or staying in touch with tutors or friends, it’s crucial that students are able to remain connected during these uncertain times,” said Phil Sayles, CEO and Principal at Selby College. “We are extremely grateful to Drax for its generous donation of laptops and internet access, which will ensure students can continue their studies efficiently and that they don’t lose touch with their online communities.”
Selby College’s IT department is currently working to activate the dongles and safely distribute the laptops to students who are at-home learning.
Before the College was closed, the team arranged for dozens of laptops from classrooms to be booked out to students for home use. Staff also delivered laptops to students who weren’t in College, by leaving them on doorsteps after sanitising them.